viernes, 23 de diciembre de 2016

Elective Economic Geography

The bouquet you enjoy studying this semester was the "Elective Economic Geography". During the career, we have had 3 courses related to economy, of which I have learned a lot. The focus of this elective is directed to the legal part; how environmental standards and solution to environmental conflicts.

In this field we study various theories that explain the methods of compensation that are used by companies that are in conflict with a community, exemplifying with Chilean conflicts; such as those generated by the mining industry, the thermoelectric plants, hydroelectric plants and pulp mills.
The evaluation form is just a job throughout the semester in pairs, that we have to come together with a report. 

I thought it was very important for the content of this subject, because so that you can understand how you handle the environmental conflicts and the way in which they operate the corporations and the state as regulator, coming to the conclusion that there is a whole subject of vested interests, both at the economic level, socio-economic and political, that prevents contaminated territories can change their situation, being heard the voices of the inhabitants of these localities that require environmental quality worthy.


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