viernes, 30 de septiembre de 2016

My Autobiography

Hi! My name is Flavia Villacura González and this is my little Autobiography.

I was born the day 19 August of the year 1993, in Santiago of Chile. I currently have 23 years old. I finished the school in the year 2011 and in 2012 I went to study Marine Biology at the Catholic University, that same year I got out of the career. In the year 2014 I went to study Geography at the University of Chile after a long vocational search. I'm currently studying third year of the career.

My mother is Juana González and she is an educator of nursery. My father is Jaime Villacura and he is an Transantiago driver. I have two brothers, Benjamín y Trinidad. Benjamín has 19 years old and is studying cartography in the UTEM, Trinidad has 18 years old and she has Down Syndrome, is very beautiful and very intelligent. She goes to a special school in the basic level 10.

Regards and thanks for commenting! 

1 comentario:

  1. Thanks for sharing your family background with us Flavia. I laso have a cousin with DS and I love her. They are very special and give love without questioning! Keep working like that!
