viernes, 14 de octubre de 2016

My "favorite" piece of technology

I don't have a favorite piece of technology, but the smartphone is the most useful for my.

At present, the smartphones are almost a vital element. The most of the people don't leave their homes without smartphones. In them we have connection to internet all time, this allow us to keep informed and connected.

I smartphone makes about three or four years ago and almost for obligation, but I must admit that everything is more easy with one of them. I like that you can access quickly to the emails, search some important information, use the GPS, take photographs, record and watch videos, listen to music, play and maintain contact with friends and family, in addition to make calls.

My life without smartphone would be less connected  and would have to access the internet only from a computer.


viernes, 7 de octubre de 2016

The reasons for which I choose the career of Geography

When I got out of the school, I choose the career of Marine Biology. The passage of a little time, I felt it was a lot of "hard science" and that I lacked talk of the social part, I wondered: where is the human being here?! And I thought that my dream was not to be a science that passed his life enclosed in a laboratory.  I retired and started to search  for a career in that it complement the human side and the physical side, in this search (that took me one year)I found the wonderful geography. 
This discipline complement the heart, the human, the society and how this relate with the space. Unfortunately, in the school we are only taught the relief, climate and the distribution of the flora and fauna of Chile. That is why the Geography, in this country, is almost unknown. 

P.S: The field work is other important reason for I choose the Geography.

Regards and thanks for commenting!